• 17 NOV 16
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    By: Dr. Sassy Sasson, DSW, LCSW
    As people get older and their health deteriorates, inflicting them with chronic illnesses, they may often seek paid home care services to supplement the unpaid caregiving assistance that is provided by family members, friends and neighbors. The high cost of home care may often add an additional source of stres129524453421032011011701040929_36520s to the family, as it may may drain the family’s resources rapidly.
    Moreover, upon discharge from a hospital or from a short term/subacute rehabilitation center, the older adult may be eligible to receive home care assistance 3-4 hours per day up to 5 days a week for a period of up to 6 weeks covered by Medicare, private insurance or his/her managed care company. This care can be terminated earlier if the individual does not require skilled care any longer. In many cases this level of care is inadequate as it is limited to personal care services only, and thus would not cover other services such as meal preparation, shopping, cleaning and laundry. However, when a chronic illnes strikes and the need for custodial services is needed, planning for Medicaid must be introduced.
    Our geriatric care manager will meet with you to develop a plan that will address your needs. We have years of experience in filing the necessary paperwork that will lead to a quick approval. We will help you gather all the needed documents, complete all forms and file them on your behalf. Please contact us to discuss.

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